Dear Donors, Colleagues, and Friends,
First of all, Hearts For Hue would like to send our warmest greetings and best wishes to all of you and express our sincere thanks for your support of disadvantaged people in Vietnam.
We would like to share with you an overview of what our organization was doing from August to September 2019
Please take a look at our project highlights below:
VESAF,NFP Merit-based scholarship 2019

As it is the beginning of the 2019-2020 academic year, Hearts for Hue, with generous sponsorship from VESAF,NFP one of Hearts for Hue’s longstanding donors, and in collaboration with senior staff from Hue University, recently distributed the Hearts for Hue 2019-2020 university scholarships.
The governing body of all the Universities in Hue nominates students from a wide range of faculties. The nominated students must come from disadvantaged families and show excellent academic results. This year, 32 students were selected, and each received a scholarship of 6.9 million VND( USD $300).
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Rotary International – Chicken Raising Club in Vinh Thai

Vinh Thai commune is an hour’s drive south-east of Hue city and is nestled between rice-covered plains, the towering Bach Ma mountains and the rolling seas. The population of Vinh Thai is approximately 6,300 people, including over 200 people with a disability. In the past, Vinh Thai was provided some assistance programmes for these people with disabilities. However, they were not long-term, sustainable solutions, consisting mainly of government handouts. Seeing the need for long-term solutions to the economic and social marginalization of these people with disabilities, H4H with funding from Rotary International has just begun a new chicken raising club for 150 families with a person with a disability.
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Veterans For Peace visiting trip 2019

Every year, representatives of
Veterans for Peace (VFP) visit Hearts for Hue, as part of their annual trip to Viet Nam. Usually, H4H will accompany them to A Luoi to visit the project sites actively sponsored by VFP. In this way, VFP are able to see exactly how their money is put to use. This year, however, with a tight schedule and over 20 delegates, VFP chose to visit H4H in Hue – just five minutes in fact from the Hue Imperial Citadel.
Hearts for Hue always appreciates the opportunity to strengthen ties with our existing donors, to showcase the work we have been doing, and to understand the current strategic priorities of donor organizations.
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We Are Bamboo in September: Mr Nguyen Kim Xuyen
According to the local authority, Mr. Nguyen Kim Xuyen (43 years old) household is one of the poorest families in Hương Vân Commune, Huong Tra Town. There are three people in the family including Mr. Xuyen, his wife Tran Thi Nhan (33 years old) and a son (14 years old) who is studying at grade 8. Unfortunately, Mr Xuyen has acquired an intellectual disability since he was born. Both of Mr Xuyen and Ms Nhan are unable to read and write. At present, they have to work very hard as a farmer to make ends meet, but raising a few chickens only generates a meager income for the family. They would like to upscale their raising model, however building a proper chicken is beyond their reach. Also, they have been living for 20 years and were dilapidated of improper roof and floor. The house consisted of rotted materials while the floor was soiled. See more
Once again, Hearts For Hue would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the donors for their great concern for the less fortunate people of our community. We hope that the cooperation between the donors and Hearts for Hue will grow even closer and more sustainable in the future. We wish you and your family good health, happiness, and prosperity.
Hearts For Hue Team.