Category Archives: News

A Ngo Goes Goat Raising

Since 2015, with sponsorship from Veterans for Peace, Hearts for Hue has been working together with small holder farmers affected by Agent Orange in the A Ngo region of A Luoi to develop a pig raising programme. Initially, the pig raising programme was a large success. However, with the outbreak of swine fever in 2019 …

Hearts For Hue’s November 2019 Newsletter

Dear Donors, Colleagues, and Friends, First of all, Hearts For Hue would like to send our warmest greetings and best wishes to all of you and express our sincere thanks for your support of disadvantaged people in Vietnam. We would like to share with you an overview of what our organization was doing from October to November 2019 Please take a look at our project highlights below:

Vinh Thai Chicken Raising Club – November Monthly Meeting

Yesterday, Thursday the 28th November, Hearts for Hue went again to Vinh Thai to continue working with the new Vinh Thai Chicken Raising Club. The primary purpose was to facilitate the first monthly Chicken Raising Club self-help meeting.   The November monthly meeting welcomed a specialist poultry farmer as a guest speaker. He spoke about …

Vinh Thai – Baby Chicks Delivered

Fifty Vinh Thai Chicken Club members, Hearts for Hue staff and the Chairman and Chairwoman of the Local People’s Committee all gathered, waiting expectantly for a truck to come trundling out of the morning mist and wind it’s way across the swathe of rice paddies.

Vinh Thai Chicken Club – Training II

All 50 families participating in the Chicken Raising Club have built chicken coops, and last week, Hearts for Hue provided complementary inputs for chicken raising to these families.  As the final step in preparation for the upcoming distribution of 100 vaccinated baby chicks to each club member on Wednesday the 30th October, Hearts for Hue …