Yesterday, Thursday the 28th November, Hearts for Hue went again to Vinh Thai to continue working with the new Vinh Thai Chicken Raising Club. The primary purpose was to facilitate the first monthly Chicken Raising Club self-help meeting.

The November monthly meeting welcomed a specialist poultry farmer as a guest speaker. He spoke about raising chickens beyond the first few months of life and hosted a question and answer session with the Club members. The meeting finished with Hearts for Hue Chairman Mr Khanh delivering a pop-quiz on chicken farming and distributing dietary supplements for the chickens to consume.
We were very pleased with how Club members have taken care of their baby chicks. A 5% mortality rate of baby chickens is expected and only two of the fifty members had a higher mortality rate than this.
As the club matures, Hearts for Hue will step back from its role as facilitator and expects the group to be fully self-governing and self-reliant in the months to come.
On the part of Vinh Thai Chicken Club, Hearts for Hue would like to thank the Vinh Thai People’s Committee for hosting the Club meeting as well as Rotary International for generously sponsoring the Club.