As part of our “Promoting hygiene and sanitation in quang nham commune”, Hearts For Hue, supported by The PiCCA (Aus) and in collaboration with Quang Nham People’s Committee, are working together to improve the sanitation conditions in A Luoi.
On December 3rd , the training on water supply and environmental sanitation was organized for local people and teachers in Quang Nham commune, A Luoi district. Mrs. Phan Thi Minh Tam, senior officer of HueWACO, played the facilitator role of this “Training of Trainer”. The training was organized with the aim of
– Raising awareness on protection and maintenance of the latrine system.
– Raising awareness on water, sanitation and hygiene issues in Quang Nham.
– Training the trainers on how to effectively conduct similar training sessions for local people in future.
For a short – term goal, participants will be able to deliver this training themselves for their local community. Particularly for a long-term – goal, they will be able to support their community to maintain and protect their new latrine system and practice good sanitation and hygiene standards.
Firstly, Mrs.Tam shared with participants some important communication and presentation skills that they need to have when facilitating training. This session will support them to organize training for local peope in the near future.
Mrs. Tam provided useful knowledge about the process of clean water suppy; how to protect and maintain the water supply with a detailed water treatment process; and system water supply, sanitation and hygiene. Mrs. Tam did apply the participatory method for this training by providing so many group works and then groups had to present their products in front of everybody. By this way, it did not only create a chance for participants to contribute to the training content but gave them opportunities to practice communication and presentation skills more.
Hearts For Hue would like to thank The PiCCA for supporting us in improving the sanitation of Quang Nham Commune.