On August 18 th, 2018, under the sponsorship of Veterans For Peace chapter 160, Hearts For Hue successfully organized the training course of pig raising for the families affected by Agent Orange in Hong Trung Commune, A Luoi District, Thua Thien Hue Province. Those participating in the training were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Ba – Head of Department of Animal Husbandry; Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Mr Khanh, Chairman of Hearts For Hue, Mr. Ho Van Khuech – Chairman of Hong Trung People’s Committee and 20 Agent Orange families.
At the beginning of the training, Mr.Ba made a quick discussion to all participants about their pig raising situations currently. Most of them have had some basic raising skills, it helped the training be carried out more easily. However, there was still some important knowledge below be emphasized :
-The criterion of a qualified pig shelter and the hog trough
– Sources of nutritious food for pigs
– The standard of a healthy pig
– How to take care of the pig in their stage of pregnancy
– Treatments for pig diseases
Also, Mr Ba analyzed the drawbacks of people during their pig raising process and change their viewpoints after that with the main purpose is to help them have a better understanding of what they were doing. At the end of the training, Mr.Ba reminded them to do their own pig raising process properly and effectively based on the training session. All the participants were very happy to gain more raising skills which improve their cattle raising practices in the mountain areas.
Hearts For Hue Team.