- Overview
HEARTS FOR HUE has zero tolerance for bribery and corruption.
- Application
This policy applies to all people working at or for HEARTS FOR HUE as well as collaborating community groups, volunteers and people providing or rendering services or other activities to HEARTS FOR HUE
- Policy
- HEARTS FOR HUE recognises that bribery and corruption remain major problems, which undermine the efforts and goals of aid and development, as well as trust in enterprises. Bribery and corruption hurt the poor disproportionately and hinder both economic growth and good governance.
- Within its capacity and through its work HEARTS FOR HUE:
- includes risks of bribery and as part of its due diligence in assessing potential funded projects
- establishes robust and transparent financial recording systems
- monitors projects and funding distributions
- ensures partners, staff and volunteers working with HEARTS FOR HUE are aware of HEARTS FOR HUE’S zero tolerance policy
- collaborates with appropriate authorities to address matters of bribery and corruption
- works with its partners to strengthen capacity and culture for bribery and corruption-free operations, and
- cooperates with other not-for-profits to share knowledge and practice in overcoming bribery and corruption.