Under the sponsorship of The D.O.V.E FUND, Hearts for Hue has cooperated with People’s Committee of Hong Thuy commune to build 33 hygienic latrines for local people. The six first hygienic latrine were completed in Aug 17th 2018.
On August 18th, 2018, Hearts for Hue team traveled to Hong Thuy commune to do acceptance of these six hygienic latrines and collect feedback from the local people.
During 3 weeks, all these hygienic latrines were completed and met all our design and technical requirements. In addition, each hygienic latrine was installed with one shower and tap so people can wash clothes and take shower there.
Local people in Hong Thuy commune are now very happy as they finally own modern and hygienic latrines for their daily life. Mr. Ho Duan, local person, shared to us that: “My family is very pleased and satisfied with this new hygienic latrine. Thanks to this hygienic latrine, we have found much more convenient to compare to the past.”
The local construction team is now building the next hygienic latrines. Hopefully, all hygienic latrines will be completed at the end of October 2018.
On behalf of the local citizens and authorities, we would like to thank The D.O.V.E. Fund for their valuable support in contributing to the success of this program and the improvement of living conditions for the people of Hong Thuy commune.