Under the sponsorship of the Australian Volunteer Program, the project “Building the adaptive capacity of family chicken farmers to climate change in Huong Van Commune” has been implementing with the aim of increasing awareness by 30 poor/disadvantaged chicken farmers in the Hue region of adaptation options for responding to climate change.
On 30th July 2021, Hearts for Hue in collaboration with the Huong Van Commune People’s Committee delivered 2250 fully vaccinated chickens for these families. For those who participated in the baby chick distribution including Mr Truong Trong Khanh (Chairman of Hearts For Hue), Mr Nguyen Xuan Chinh (Chairman of Huong Van Ward) and Mr Nguyen Ngoc Tuyen (Chairman of Huong Tra Red Cross) – along with 30 people in need. Chicks 21 days old have been vaccinated and all looked in good health, plump and comfortingly warm in the early morning. Additionally, Hearts For Hue gave veterinary medicine to 30 families.
Hearts For Hue would like to express our deep gratitude to the Australian Volunteer Program for the enormous support to the needy people in Hue, Vietnam.