As part of our “Promoting the hygiene and sanitation in Quang Nham Commune”, Hearts For Hue, supported by The PiCCA and in collaboration with Quang Nham People’s Committee, are working together to improve the sanitation conditions in A Luoi.
On 23rd September, Mr. Hồ Văn Ngực, vice chairman of the Quang Nham Commune People’s committee, Mr. Truong Trong Khanh, chairman of Hearts for Hue, and a trainer Mr Hoàng from the construction company, taught 30 local people on how to construct hygienic latrines. The training opened with a discussion about the negative impacts of open human waste. Next, composting latrines and their benefits were discussed. After gathering opinions and ideas from the participants, Mr. Hoàng offered some of the advantages of composting latrines, such as:
– Saves water
– Protects the environment
– Produces fertilizer
– Affordable
– Easy to construct with local materials and labor
– A clean sanitation solution which does not create offensive odors
Mr. Hoàng then delivered a more in-depth session on how to construct the latrines. Design of the latrine was shown to the residents directly to provide them a better understanding. The residents were all very happy to have a new composting latrine. The first six latrines will begin construction in the early October and expected to be completed in November.
Hearts For Hue would like to thank PiCCA for supporting us in improving the sanitation of Quang Nham Commune
Hearts For Hue.