Huong Ho Number 2 Primary School is located approximately 8km from Hue City. It was built in 1991 with six classrooms and two floors. The school has 340 students from 1 st to 5 grade (6 to 10 years old). The majority of the students’ families are of low socio-economic status as their primary sources of income come from farming and forestry, which yields low returns. The school is 25 years old this year and is in urgent need of restoration, with badly peeling paint on all walls and windows. Additionally, a charity has made the school an offer of filling their library with resources, if the school can improve the basic conditions of the library room. Therefore the refurbishment of the library and painting of its walls will also be a focus for this project, so that the school can then receive further assistance.
Understanding the difficulties that the staff and children in this school have been facing daily, The Bamboo Project in collaboration with Hearts For Hue implemented The Volunteer Gap Experience. From 10th to 13th June, 2016, 16 volunteers from England, Australia and Canada completed a range of activities such as cleaning, sanding back and painting in the library, the doors and windows of 6 classrooms, corridors and the schools front exterior.
While other groups were painting, another volunteer group assisted the children to learn English through English songs and games. Not only did the children learn from the English lessons, the international volunteers also enjoyed every moment with the children. In addition, the international volunteers also provided 25 presents including school supplies for 25 children who are from thelow – income families but had excellent achievements in their studies.
As a result, 1 library, 6 classrooms, corridors and the schools front exterior were painted through the valuable effort and the contribution of these volunteers. This contribution played an extremely important role in improving the learning environment and the school’s infrastructure. Also,valuable school supplies were presented to the children. These activities aim to encourage the needy children to challenge themselves in study, strive to be the best students and overcome difficult circumstances simultaneously.
On behalf of Hearts for Hue, we would like to thank very much both the International and Vietnamese volunteers whose great contribution and dedicated support helped to make this program a very successful one.