Mrs. Nguyen Thi Am is 54 years old. She is now living with her father who is 93 years old. Her daughter has to go to another city to make ends meet. According to the local government, her family is a poverty household which is one of the poorest families in the Huong Van Community. Her house was built thanks to the support of the local government in 2003. However, with the limited fund, the local authority was not able to support her kitchen, a toilet, and a chicken coop; she has to cook food in the temporary kitchen which made by makeshift materials. She mainly generates meagre income from raising a few chickens and work as a daily wage worker.
Understanding the difficulties that she and her family have faced, Hearts for Hue in collaboration with We Are Bamboo Company organized a Volunteer Program with the main purpose of improving the living quality of Mrs. Am’s family. A team of 20 international volunteers contributed their own effort to build a construction of kitchen and bathroom, especially the chicken coop. Mrs. Am is very happy to share with us: “My family and I have been dreaming about the house for my whole life. Thank you so much the Bamboo volunteers and Hearts For Hue for making my family’s dream come true. The assistance helping us survive through the cold winter. In addition, I will able to earn more money by raising chickens. I am very grateful for what the volunteers have done for us. Thank you so much.”
Hearts For Hue is very proud to be a partner of We Are Bamboo on the path of improving the living quality for the disadvantaged people in Thua Thien Hue Province.
Hearts For Hue.