Mr Tran Ba Vac’s family happy to have a new home

Mr. Tran Ba Vac and his family live in a poor and makeshift house in Huong Van Commune. Mr. Vac is accompanied by his wife, his daughter. Three people of this family suffer mental issues. His daughter has a son who is 8 years old with an unknown husband.  The entire financial burden has been on Mr. Vac’s shoulders while farming only generated meager income.

In January 2017, Hearts for Hue in conjunction with We Are Bamboo organized a volunteer program in Mr. Vac’s family. A team of 15 international volunteers gave him a hand to build a brand new chicken coop.  Thanks to the chicken coop, they are now raising a flock of healthy chickens; some chickens have been laying eggs which make a stable income for their family.

However, despite all the effort that they have been making, they were not able to maintain their main house, which was almost collapsed. In addition, without a toilet in a house, the family has to “going’ around the house in full view of neighbors.

On the Vietnam trip in 2018, Mr Neil visited this impoverished household. Understanding the difficulty that Mr Vac’s family has been facing, Mr Neil and his friends lent him a hand to renovate the house and build an appropriate toilet.

After 3 months under construction, the renovation has completed. Mr Vac and his family now are more than happy to live in a new and clean house that his family has been dreaming for so long.  Words are certainly not enough to express his gratitude to Mr Neil and his friends in US.  We are, Hearts For Hue, also grateful for what Mr Neil Hannan and his friends have been done to improve the disadvantaged people’s living standard.

Hearts For Hue Team.

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