Located about 50 km away from the center of Hue city, Hong Ha is a mountainous commune of A Luoi district, with a population of 1,800 people in 450 households. The main ethnicities are TaOi, KaTu and Paco, make up 85% of the population.
The sanitation is one of the challenges for local people and local authorities, as nearly 60% of households do not have hygienic latrines. Most of them use homemade latrines which made from temporary materials or go directly to rivers or streams. This has exerted negative affected on the environment and the health of local people. Through a recent survey, we found that most of local people are very eager to have a hygienic latrine with bathrooms, but they do not have enough money to build.
Thanks to the sponsorship of The DOVE Fund (USA), Hearts For Hue will build new 50 hygienic latrines included bathroom for 50 families in Hong Ha commune under a framework of project “ TO ENSURE ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION FOR THE ETHNIC MINORITY COMMUNITY IN HONG HA” with a total fund of 23,913 USD.
In association with Hong Ha Commune People’s Commitee, Hearts For Hue conducted a survey of 50 households who are in need of building hygienic latrines. Particularly, on 30 September 2020, Hearts For Hue delivered a more in-depth training session on how to build an appropriate hygienic latrine for 50 households in Hong Ha Commune. Those participating in the training including Le Van Hoi – a vice-chairman of Hong Ha Commune People’s Committee, Mr Truong Trong Khanh – Chairman of Hearts for Hue and 50 beneficiaries with their family members. Mr Hoang – a trainer has shown an in-detailed blueprint design of the latrine for a better understanding.

This is a great new to all the people in Hong Ha Commune as the residents have been dreaming about having a hygienic latrine for a long time.
As planned, the first ten families will be expected to receive construction materials on 10th September 2020.